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Successful SEO experts like Cairn Marketing can still help clients get good search rankings. But they do so using techniques approved by Google that will deliver results now and into the future without risk of being penalized and removed from search results. of crappy links to a website. External links are still important. about the quality of those links. Additionally, content is becoming increasingly important.

Things like describing keywords using a wide range of terms. Not just throwing a few words on to a page but writing a real article. Using video to get visitors engaged and staying on your website. necessarily admit this, but I also think that social media plays a role in rankings. the more Google knows that the content is valuable and should be displayed for the world to see. really looking forward to how the semantic web is going to play a role in search results.

the subject of a future post. dumb SEOers will continue to try and game the system. And Google will continue to stay one step ahead of them.

The holiday season is here. painful reminder of how bad things are in their relationship. easy and the holidays just seem to bring out either the best, or the worst, in relationships. So good relationships get better.

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